Dear Maya in Japan


S-Lab Member
S-Lab Members

Hi Maya,
Did you have a good time in JAPAN? If "yes", it is very happy for me.
It is also good opportunity for my laboratory students to make great friendships with you.
I hope that you'll let your Indonesian friends know the Japanese cultures.
I look forward to your coming back Chiba University as a Ph.D student!



We met just over a month.
I will always remember your smile.
Just wishing you good luck!

From : Ma Jing


Dear Maya,
I really appreciate the opportunity to meet and spend the time with you!
Thank you for coming to Sekiya lab. I really hope to see you again!

Your Friend,

Laboratory Seminar

Dear Maya,
This is SANADA. 
I enjoyed studying with you!
I hope to see you again.
I will study hard to fluently for the next time we see.
Darth Vader said, Hi! I'm your father!
Good by!

Dear Maya,
When I heard that the exchange student would join our laboratory, I was very uneasy. It is because I am not good at English. But, since you tried to hear my English, I could talk to you in English. I was also glad that you willingly ate the food (takoyaki, sushi, etc.) which we prepared. It was very fun day while you were here. Don't forget the memories of your stay in Japan. If there is an opportunity, I will go to Indonesia.

Sho Motegi


道 を 歩まん。
満足 の ゆく。
おもしろく。 こともなき を おもしろき

This is Manzoku,
When there is not any interesting, I think that it will be interesting ... depending on how to hold your heart. Good Bye World!


I wish you all good fortune and happiness for the future. Take care of yourself.
これから の 人生 に たくさん の 幸 が あります ように!

From : 張 志才


From majestic mountains and valleys of green, to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. It's joy to know you. Wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.

史 進

How was your life of Sekiya Laboratory? I'm glad if it was fun for you. You have impressed me by your smile and greeting. When you came in laboratory, you always said "Ohayo Gozaimasu". And when you got home, you always said "Minasan Otsukaresama deshita" with a good smile! It gave me a good impress for you. I never forget that you were a member of the laboratory. I'll see you again someday.

Kazuhide Inoue

Dear Maya,
Two months passed in no time after Maya came to the laboratory. How was the Japanese culture? I'm not good at speaking English but was able to talk with you because you understood it! Thank you! I'll do my best to boost my English communication skill. If there's an opportunity to meet you again, let's chat with me in English fluently. Take Care.

Best Regards,
Shimoyamada Yuta


Dear Maya,
How was your student life Japan for about two months? I think you was unfamiliar to life in Japan at first. But I think you like the Japanese culture and Chiba through your student life. I was not good at speaking English. But I got a little confident through conversation with MAYA. I think I should tell you more about simulation. We are grateful that encounter with MAYA become a good experience. We look forward to the day we meet again. Good luck with your studies, research and everything.

From Okazawa


Thank you for coming my laboratory! I'm very glad to meet you because there are a few girls in my laboratory :) we made a lot of precious memory. We went to Tokyo, Lunch Meeting, Salmon Party. I can't forget this memory forever. Do you remember? On our way from Tokyo, you give me a charm, "Omamori". I was very surprised! Why did you give me a charm of love!! Ok ... I really wish I'll be able to meet handsome guy who is tall and kind XD. I will treasure not only it, but also the other present from you. And then, I had a good experience to have an Indonesian dishes. You are a cooking expert!! "Enak". Now, I don't believe you soon go home. Please keep in touch even after you go back to Indonesia. I will go to Indonesia next Spring or Summer with Salmon member! Absolutely! Please guide us! See you next time. I hope all of you are happy :D



We had short time but we had a great time! Thank you so much.
I wish we had more time. I look forward to seeing you again.

Yuji Ikeda

Japanese Food

Dear Maya
I really appreciate your kindness at a short interval. Maya's presentation was splendid. How was living in Japan? Did you have a good time in Japan? When you come to Japan next, you should after making Japanese study. So you can enjoy Japan more. I'm sorry in poor English.
See you again. Bye-Bye. Fight!

From Takuya Koyanagi

It was a very short period that I was able to meet you, but thank you very much. I wish I talked more with you! Please take care of yourself.

山田 裕太
Yamada Yuta


It was a short time to stay together in Sekiya Laboratory. But I was affected by your presentation in November 30th. At that time, I thought I want to be able to make excellent presentation like Maya-san. And, thank you for your great present! I wish your great performance at Indonesia too.

Kazuhiro Okabe

S-Lab, December 7th, 2012
Indulge in reminiscense, In the end we compromised.
For us, that magic world of childhood has already faded memory.
Nothing ever goes the way one want it to.

Salmon Party
Salmon Club

Thanks for inviting me at your room on December 5th. I had a very good time with you at SALMON PARTY too!!! :D I never forget you forever. I hope we can meet again in Indonesia or Japan Someday!! See you soon!

Hitomi :)

Salmon Club

Maya \(^o^)/
Thank you for coming to my cafe!
I'm sure I'll go to Indonesia next year.
Jumpa lagi!



Dear Maya
I am really glad to see you. You are so friendly that it is easy and so fun to talk with you. You should start Facebook to keep in touch with each other. When we go Indonesia, please meet us and let us stay at your house! ^^ I want to eat your dishes because next is your turn to make dishes for us! See you next time. Good Luck!


Salmon Club, December 4th, 2012
Memories are what warm you up from the inside.
But actually they are also what tear you apart.
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.


  1. Lagi di Jepang ya mbak?? Lama saya gak mampir sini, sekarang enak sudah pakai blogspot lagi, hehe..

  2. mb' maya mau balik yeyeyey......
    teman" disana dan disini selalu merindukan mb' Maya :D

  3. Dear Maya

    Semoga kabarmu baik..

    segralah pulang ke tanah air..


  4. tar mau nagih bunga Sakuranya ah..
    semoga perjalanan plgnya menyenangkan

    good luck!

  5. Aaaa Kak Maya keren..
    Pengeeeeeen u,u

    Udah lama gak main ke sini..
    Kangen :p

  6. wew, tulisan rangkainya gimana bacanya tuh ... :((

  7. Hihihi seruuu...
    Aku penasaran charm of love nya euyyy!
    Wow imel yahoonya foldernya banyak amat @.@

  8. Bismillah

    Yg paling gaya disitu adalah Sensei...

  9. rata-rata mengatakan poor english tapi addeh bagusna kata-katanya gang. orang jepangnya ramah-ramah ^^

  10. bismillah

    dari cerita tman2 kakak yg d jepang, aku jadi penasaran, aku jga mau ngeliat kakak lagi presentasi :)

  11. wow mbak maya mau balik ke indonesia, take care yaa mbak :D

    kalau di negeri orang sampek orang2nya suka sama orang tersebut, berarti memberi kesan tersendiri yang beda itu, salut sama mbak maya, apah lagi ngerti bahasa inggris orang sana kan agak ndak ngeh yee mbak, hehehehehe :D

  12. Assalamualaikum kak Maya...
    Subhanallah, kak Maya bisa menuntut ilmu sampai ke negeri Sakura, aku juga pengen bisa menuntut ilmu sampai ke madinah, kak.. ^^

  13. Dear ka Maya..
    Bersyukurlah karena bikin ngiri orang itu ga dosa.
    Karena kakak udah bikin aku ngiri banget bangeeeeeeet :|

  14. k maya...........langit sangat cerah kembali, walau disini musim hujan. hehehe apa?!
    k merindukanmu
    cepatlah pulang

  15. Senangnya kl ada yg merindukan walau jauuuh di sana ya May... :))

  16. bahasanya agag sulit dimengerti mbak :hehe :garuk-garukkepalaa

  17. @Penghuni 60 bunga sakura itu pas musim semi, wan ^^ waktu aku datang musim gugur dan musim dingin :)

  18. @Untje van Wiebs yaah, aku nggak beli untuk diri sendiri una :P hihi tapi itu cukup terkenal di sana:)

    whoa, unaaa, jeli sekali dirimu! Benar adanya, aku buat 25 folder di email hehe :)

  19. @hima-rain karena mereka kebiasaan bikin jurnal internasional, himaaa tapi nda pernah ngobrol :D

  20. @Rayhana Azuraa Wa'alaikumussalam Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
    iyaa dinda :) subhanallah!

  21. @O T R L haha, okky kamu ini bikin perutku sakit karena ketawa loh :P

  22. @Lidya - Mama Cal-Vin Alhamdulillah
    itu sangat membantuku untuk beradaptasi, mbak :) mereka ramah dan baik hati
