(✿◠‿◠) Hallo everyone! Er-rr, today I will present a new kind of fabolous talk show (•ˆ⌣ˆ•) actually I usually hold this event in Indonesia version namely jumpa fans +__+ but this time is very berry cherry hard because it will be covered by English language, pretty interesting, hmm? Well, let's move on. Ng, wait. Before we start, may I ask your sorry for my little bit mussy English? Trust me, I try hardest to speak er-rr write English fluently. Fufufu ƪ(―˛―“)ʃ
Lovely Love in the sky ~ Original picture was from here |
~ Questions from Miss 'U Host of My Simple Blog ~
1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals, or are they members of your family?
~o~ Hey, I have pets. Ng, clown fish aquarium on my dining room and gold fish pond on my yard. I love feeding them, they bite me, LoL. They are more than animals for me, so of course they are my family ( ˘⌣˘)( ˆ⌣ˆ)
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
~o~ Hm, I have so many dreams that I want to reach (^,^)/ It will be awesome to see my dreams come true one by one. For now, I just wish to be a good muslimah, need a big and strong shoulder to keep my commission of Islam. Ya Rabbi, give me a light more than who I am now to struggle in the future. InsyaAllah. Aamiin...
3. What is the one thing most hated by you?
~o~ Hated by me? ('-' ) (._. ) ( ._.) ( '-') I wonder, ugh.. hmm.. a-ha! Got it! I really hate if I miss someone and I can't push myself to meet that person. Oh my Goodness, it's so awful feeling, I'm dying inside. In contrary, I really hate too if there is someone miss me and I can't try my best to make that person meet me. My bad.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
~o~ Wow, I am a billionaire ( *^o^*)/ cling~ cling~ Who wants my money? I will give it to you but promise me you will use it in a good way <3
5. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
~o~ Give my bad mood to the owner of heart, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Ah, come on! Don't let anybody put you down. All the things happen for the best. Bad mood? Keep moving forward~ Fighting! ƪ(^▽^)ʃ
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
~o~ Wh-wh-what a trap! (◕‿◕) Hahaha <3 lovely, I dunno. Can I answer for the both? No deal...(?!) Fine, for loving someone, count me in! If I love someone, I can give my love as all my happiness and brightness in this world. It's really okay -nevermind- if the love doesn't come back for me. But being loved by someone, it really makes my heart worry, how come I pay it back? Every time I think about it, my tears flow down dried cheeks. I really don't want bring a wound into somebody's heart.
7. What is your bedtime routine?
~o~ It depends *chuckles (╯▽╰) But I'm cinderella who will turn into the the real who I am on 12.00 am. So, it's my curfew. My bed will miss me a lot if I don't come on that time!
8. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner?
~o~ Simple question ^^ absolutely he meets me on my heart. Gyahahaha *gubrak! Ehem... Sorry, I don't have a partner yet. Pray for me, ok! *titter ~(ˇ▼ˇ)~
9. If you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be?
~o~ Hmm? o(>o<)o Watching myself make a smart antenna or genius mobile communication system for the world of Islam. Hahaha, day dreaming, huh? No, no, no =) it could be happened someday InsyaAllah. Yes?
10. What kinds of books do you read?
~o~ I like all of the genre, actually. But, please don't bring such a hard and complicated book in front of me. I'm dizzy immediately on that time. Or, maybe I will get insomnia on that night. Ckckck, what a pity (_ _")>
11. Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
~o~ Ten years later? It means, I'm 3-tit years old #sensored hmm, I see myself is looking the sunset on the wonderful beach with my husband and my children (-'_'-) *so calm and pleasant moment.
12. What’s your fear?
~o~ Ya Allah Ya Rabb.. I seek refuge in Allah Ta'ala from all of my fears. For people around me, I really afraid if my presence is your pain. I am so sorry (>_<。)
13. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space?
~o~ Absolutely, yes! It's nothing to do with junk food. I will try my best! Ahahaha, what a nice bargain! So when do you will take me to the outer space? ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor?
~o~ Ngg, married and rich. Ahahahaha~ what?! wrong answer...(?!) Fine, you make me choose married but poor (•ˆ⌣ˆ•) It doesn't matter being poor, at least you have someone beside you. And the most miserable thing in this world is being lonely and hungry. So, it's ok.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
~o~ Alhamdulillaahilladzi ahyaanaa ba'da maa amaatanaa wa ilaihin nusyur -Praise be to Allah who has revived me after deadly.
16. If you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be?
~o~ Oh, my God! I said I don't have a spouse/partner yet. So, let's move to the next question. You are intentional take me into bashful face, hmm? Yeah, you got me! ~(>///<)~ Next... Next question please~
17. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
~o~ Hm, no one. Nurmayanti Zain a.k.a Maya a.k.a Sumayyah a.k.a Cahaya what else? It's more than enough, I think <3
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
~o~ Yes, absolutely. It's really stupid to still keep someone's fault on your brain. Everyone has a mistake, also it's not necessary to find the reason why that thing happens to you. You must be crazy if try to understand everything, because sometimes it's not meant to understand. But, rather to accept, forgive and forget ( o ^_^ o )
19. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
~o~ A plate of rice please! Ahahahaha, what else? ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ This is really funny question. I don't get the real point *guffaw.
Next? Eh, no more question...(?) Is it over? Yahoooooo \(^-^)/ ahahahaha this talk show really makes my heart beats so fast and my tongue tied *sigh. You have won, succesfully beat me~ Hahahaha, it's really something, huh =P well done.
This is the end of today. For other people who have sent another nice questions for me, I beg your pardon, wait please. Give me a time. I will hold the next talk show -ups wrong- jumpa fans, right...(?) as soon as possible InsyaAllah. See you, guys!
:: salam pecahan rantai ::
duh mbak pake bahasa yg tidak mudah saya pahami,,english saya cuma ngandelin google translate,,, cuma bilang aja gambar di postingan ini bagus,,hehe
ReplyDeleteI can give my love as all my happiness dan brightness in this world
ReplyDeletebenerin :p
mantaaaaaaaaaaaaap. . .
point 14, marriage is very important, setengah dari agamamu ada di dalamnya. . .hehehe
great answer, MasyaAllah
Pets in our house a member of our family
ReplyDeletejika mereka tidak diberi makan kasihan kan
jadi harus juga diperhatikan dengan baik, jika tidak mending di lepas aja, atau digoreng kalau ikan
he.. ha.. ha..
salam dari pamekasan madura
ReplyDeleteisi boleh pake bahasa inggris, awal Biamillah dan akhir tetep bahasa indonesia, :-D
ReplyDeletelucu juga miara ikan :-D
baguss dech ,tapi ya ada translitanya donk kak biar saya bisa memahami ckckckckc
masih ajaaaaa ada 11-11-11.... ga bosan apaaa ngeliat dan ngerjain PR ini..... haahahhaha
ReplyDelete@al kahfi maaf kahfi, soalnya pertanyaannya dalam english :( jadi yaa sekalian bikin postingan english (">_<)>
ReplyDeleteehem.. ehem.. iyaa gambarnya bagus :)
@Kaito Kidd apanya yang dibenerin...(?)
ReplyDelete(>///<)b yess~ Alhamdulillah
Barang siapa yang dikaruniai oleh Allah seorang wanita yang shalihah, berarti Dia telah menolongnya atas separuh agamanya. Maka hendaklah ia bertakwa kepada Allah pada separuh yang kedua.
HR. Al Hakim
@Citrosblog iya, benar :( kasihan kalau nggak diberi makan...
ReplyDeletehem, mending dilepas? benar~
hah :o dimakan(?!) bagaimana yaa~ aneh sekali jika piaraan dimakan
@sYam hemm....mmm...mmm....
ReplyDelete@jiah al jafara fufufu jiah jeli banget ihh (-'_'-)b top deh~
ReplyDeletehihihi iyaaa ikannya unyuuuu~
@ockta ohh masyaAllah..
ReplyDelete^^ entah bagaimana men-translate-nya *nanti dipikirkan supaya manis dan dimengerti InsyaAllah~
@Sam he eh, masih ada! bahkan di draft blog masih ada ratusan pertanyaan, ya Allah... itu semua harus dijawab (^_^)/ mau gimana lagi, kamu maklum aja sam =P *selebritis mode : ON
ReplyDeletesaya masih punya pertanyaan yang harus di jawab, tapi di tempaku lho pertanyaan sekaligus jawabannya, "tentang hati" ;)
ReplyDelete@Stupid monkey eh?
ReplyDeletemeluncur ke TKP~
@Nurmayanti Zainwew, makasih jawabannya mba .. ;)
ReplyDelete@Stupid monkey itu pertanyaan?
ReplyDelete@Nurmayanti Zain yeeeeesss. . .InsyaAllah
ReplyDelete@Kaito Kidd iya, aku salah~ sudah kubenarkan ^^ fufufu..
ReplyDelete@Nurmayanti Zain kamu ini. . .
ReplyDeleteterlalu memaksakan mengajari EYDku sampai kelupaan yah ahahahahaha :p
"Everyone has a mistake, also it's not necessary to find the reason why that thing happens to you. But, rather to accept, forgive and forget."
ReplyDeleteYang benerr.... Kalo dia selingkuh, gimana? Dimaapin juga? :P
OOw english, i tak paham.. hehe
ReplyDelete@Nurmayanti Zainyep, sebenarnya yg ditulis itu pertanyaan semua,hehe ;)
ReplyDelete@Kaito Kidd ehem, everyone has a mistake =P
ReplyDeletelagipula itu bukan kesalahan EYD, itu kan hanya kesalahan konversi =D *ngeles tingkat tinggi
@nandobase hah :o nan~
ReplyDelete*itu pertanyaan...(?!) kenapa ke arah sana sih?
--hem, tetap dimaafkan InsyaAllah. Masalah berikutnya adalah apakah tetap berlayar dengan bahtera yang sama atau lebih baik memilih berlayar sendiri :)
@Fahrie Sadah hehehehe :)
ReplyDelete@Stupid monkey ng, tersirat ya berarti~
ReplyDeleteIni pake bahasanya orang yang hobi berjemur itu ya... #Kabuurrr
ReplyDelete@Nurmayanti Zainmakasih bunganya, wew ;)
ReplyDelete@Nurmayanti Zain " Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwaajinaa wa dzurriyatinaa qurrata a'yunin waj'alnaa lilmuttaqiina imaamaa "
ReplyDelete"Ya Rabb kami, berilah kami istri/suami dan anak-anak keturunan yang menyenangkan hati kami, dan jadikan kami sebagai pemimpin orang-orang yang bertaqwa."
(Al-Furqan: 24)
aamiin aamiin aamiin
@Nurmayanti Zain iyah iyaaah. . .aku tauuuuu ^_____^
ReplyDeletesemoga dimudahkan leh-Nya... terutama menikah :D
ReplyDeleteumm., jawaban dan pertanyaannya pada bagus., :D
ReplyDeleteklu saiia bilang sii yg namanya routine itu sendiri uda bedtime.. nahhh klu ditambahin.. bedtime routinenya.. itu artinya akan berlipat :( brrghh.. gag kebayang :(
ReplyDeleteselamat sore ;)
ReplyDeleteanak rajin pasti dikasih peer trus tuh...
ReplyDeletesukses ya !
wah, seruuuu... interview yang menyenangkan untuk dibaca :D
ReplyDelete@Kaito Kidd ^_^
ReplyDelete@Stupid monkey ehem :)
ReplyDelete#hambur-hambur bunga
@Muhammad Fajar ups ups ups =P
ReplyDeletebagaimana ya~
@Ario Antoko Subhanallah :)
ReplyDeleteAamiin.. Allahumma Aamiin..
@djawa ehem ehem :D
ReplyDelete@Belajar Photoshop hooo~ begitu ya ^^
ReplyDeleteberlipat-lipat, hmm..sejujurnya apanya yang berlipat? *nggak ngerti
@Stupid monkey iyaa stumon
ReplyDelete@bensdoing wah asik~ aku dapat julukan rajin =D
ReplyDelete#padahal luar biasa malas dan lama ngerjain PR-nya nih, ben
@dunia kecil indi hihihi tengkyuu indi
ReplyDeleteHihihi, I can't fill the comments with English, sorry. #lah ini apa.
ReplyDeleteAsik ya jumpa fans terus :p
@Una hahaha unaa oh unaa +__+
ReplyDeletekamu ini =P
una, mau gantiin aku jumpa fans? masih ada nih =D ahahaha
@Kaito Kidd Aamiin... Allahumma Aamiin..