Foolish Traveler


This is the story of the most foolish traveler in the world. Once upon a time, long long long time ago, there was this foolish traveler, who had gone on a journey. Why was he foolish? Well because he was fooled by everyone he met.

Foolish Traveler
The Most Foolish Traveler - Credit

“Please, give me some money for medicine.” said an old lady.

And he gave money to her. Everywhere he went people made up all kinds of sad stories to tell him, and the traveler fell for every one of them.

“Help me, I have a sick younger sister.” a little girl said to him.
“I don’t have money to buy seeds to plant in my fields.” a man said to him.

And he gave to them each something of his. Pretty soon his money, his clothes, even his shoes had been cheated away from him. But the foolish traveler was always glad to help, and he always told people the same thing. He said, “I wish you happiness.”

I wish you happiness - Credit

But by this point though, the traveler was completely naked without clothes. And because with nothing left to cover himself, he decided to leave the main road and travel through the dense forest, where no one could see him. Soon he was discovered by the goblins that lived in the woods. The goblins wanted to eat the traveler’s body. So they begged, they pleaded, and they used kind words to try and trick him. Of course, the traveler was fooled. 

First he let the goblins eat one of his legs, then an arm, then more and more. Before it was over, all the traveler had left was his head. He’d even given his eyes away to the last of the goblins. And as that last goblin was eating the traveler’s eyes, he turned and said “Thank you traveler, in return I leave you this present."

I leave you this present - Credit

What the goblin left was a slip of paper with the word "fool" written on it. The traveler couldn’t see it, he didn’t know what it was, even so, tears began to float of his face.

“Thank you.” he said.

“This is the first present anyone’s ever given me. I’m so happy, I’m so happy. Thank you.” Even without his eyes, he cried and he cried great tears of joy. Then eventually the traveler died… the smile is still on his face.


I feel so sorry for him, see… lost, hardship, things like that, you can’t really focus on them. The traveler didn’t, he never thought about his own troubles at all. I imagine that it probably does sound foolish to some people, but not to me.

I don’t think he’s foolish at all, even though other people would probably think he was being tricked. I don’t think he was. I think he did exactly what he wanted to do… I think more than anything, he just wanted to make other people happy.

(Another tale from Momiji at Fruits Basket)


  1. alamak...rupanya bahasa inggris ya, waduh harus buka kamus nich..
    membuat orang lain bahagia adalah salah satu amalan yang sangat dianjurkan,
    namun membuat diri menderita dan kemudian hancur demi kebahagiaan orang lain...tentunya hal ini bukanlah hal yang dianjurkan.... salam :)

  2. "I’m so happy, I’m so happy. Thank you."

    suka kata-kata ini, apalagi aku tadi abis curhat kalo lagi bosen banget :D

    makasih udah nulis postingan ini, may :*

  3. Ceritanya sedih :(
    Karena aku ga ngerti..

    Koq tumben nulisnya pake bahasa inggris kak??

  4. hmmm, mirip cerita rakyat jepang ea.... ^_^

  5. b inggris ya....???
    syalalalala.... #buka kamus... :)

  6. eemmm... maksudnya si traveler ini selalu menipu dengan cara memelas hingga akhirnya dpat apa yg ia inginkan ya mak? tapi walau ia begitu, ia tetap senang membantu orang lain? Hihihi, semoga ga ngarang komenku :)

  7. Masih ada yg org yg mdl begitu di dunia May?? Kasihan juga ya sampai hidupnya yg 'bahagia" (=menderita fisik), tapi endingnya dia tetep bahagia... Bahagia menurut dia...

  8. fruit basket kan anime japan nur ^_^

  9. ikutan manggut-manggutnya aja deh... (pura2 ngerti)
    ama cengar cengir sedikit, hehe


  10. actually i think he was stupid but huh,, i dont know what to say ;/
    really touching :''(

  11. kunjungan siang nh, ikut menyimak :)

  12. Memetik pelajaran tentang bahagia neh....

  13. klo menurut aku traveler nya itu ga foolish, dia cuman kurang kasih sayang kayaknya. makanya dia nolong semua org itu mungkin dia mengharapkan dicintai org2 itu, soalnya pas terakhri dikasih present sama goblin dia terharu dan bilang ini pertama kalinya ada yg kasih hadiah sama dia. Karena dikasih hadiah dia merasa akhirnya ada yg menghargai dan menyayanginya, walopun hadiah itu sbnrnya ga semulia yang dia pikirin. lah kog aku jd panjang gini ya analisisnya hahahahaa...
